Terms of Service - Gojet krtco

Home Terms of Service

Dear customers, we extremely appreciate your usage with K-markets service. According to the below website member service term (hereafter refer to as this provision), K-market would provide facile service for the members. In order to safeguard your rights, please comprehend the detail of this provision. When you register or start to use this service, it is deemed that you already understand and have agreed to this provision and all content of the right of privacy protection policy€. If you would not completely agree to a part or the entirety of this provision, please do not register and immediately stop using. This concrete provision is below:

A. The members information:


  • * You would be requested to provide and fill in the correctly individual information to register for free via the website. After you completely fill in the basic information, you would begin and participate in this website service and correlative activity. If you have changed your individual information, please must immediately update to safeguard your rights. Because we would send the related information, the activities content or members rights to the members whenever. If you did not renew, we regarded you as already to receive those information or announcements.
  • * The manager of website has rights to reject the registration of members individual material and is authorized to suspend or to terminate the member account number immediately when several situations are occurred. For example, the members individual materials are repetition, wrong, false or to intentionally encroach on other peoples or corporations intellectual property rights or to violate the customs and laws or to destroy this website service objective and so on. The members could not be authorized to approach any position, and should voluntarily undertake the completely legal obligation.
  • * The protection of privacy right stated that the members individual information would be protected and regulated by K-marts terms of private right.


B. Member’s obligation


  • * According to The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, parents or guardian should undertake the protective and educational responsibility to children and youths. If you are under 20 years old or do not possess the complete capacity by act, you should have a parent or guardian read, comprehend and agree to all of the content of these service terms. When you use this service, we would regard your parent or guardian as agreement of this provision.
  • * Member should guarantee that his/her account number and the password would be confidential and secure. Member should undertake the complete legal obligation voluntarily when his/her behavior for using the account number and password, and observes the following items:
    • 1. If the members account number either the password was misapplied, embezzled, or existed any security problems, please immediately contact us. (Customer Service no.+886 7 7938888)
    • 2. Member ought to forbid providing or leaking out his /her account number, password and other related data to a third party to use. Apart from this, all members entered this website with using account number and password that included but unlimited inquiry, reading, update of individual information, participation, as well as obtained the related information and so on. Anyone includes the member did all of the above that was considered a violation of the laws and should be proud the complete legal liability.
  • * Member should observe related law of Republic of China and the international standard. If member uses this service outside Republic of China domain, and should simultaneously observe the local country or the region law. In addition, member cannot use this service to encroach on the right of the third party:
    • 1. Forbid dispersing or transmitting any file, such as slander, insult, minacity, aggressively, inelegant, indecent, public peace of violation and other illegal writing.
    • 2. Violate other peoples reputation, rights of privacy, business secret, trademark rights, copyright, patent, intellectual property rights and so on.
    • 3. Violate the law or contract which should be in charge of security duty.
    • 4. Embezzle other people to use this service.
    • 5. Transmit or disperse computer virus.
    • 6. Delivery of the advertising mail.
    • 7. We have the warrant to believe unsuitable behavior.


C. Modification of service content

Member has to agree to that we are at actual request to adjust, modify or terminate this provision and announce the content of revision on this website without notice before 60th days. The newest edition is deemed to prevail for member as participation and usage with this provision. If member would not agree, should contact us by writing before the effective date. We would regard you as agreement, if exceeds the deadline.

D. Transaction notice


  • * When member completes the procedure of ordering, we would automatically notify you via an e-mail. This notification just means that we receive the order from member and did not represent this transaction already completed. Member could still search the condition of order on website, whether we reserve the right of order or not.
  • * When member completed a procedure of order, namely the expression already be proposed to purchase, and has to agree to the stipulation of transaction on this provision. Member preserves individual material, such as address, telephone and so on. If has changed after the order, should immediately modify and cannot refuse this order for payment by this reason.
  • * If there is some dispute or discrepancy, the systems electronic transaction information is deemed to prevail. If you discover any incorrect transaction information, please notify us immediately. ( Customer Service no.+886 7 7938888).


E. Commodity returning


  • * If customer receives the iPass and discoveries iPass unable to be used normally. He/she could return before any expense record.
  • * According to the Consumer Protection Law, consumers of a network order, if you are unwilling to purchase the commodity and could return within seven days.
  • * Member must maintain the appearance of commodity, packing and accessories as return commodity. If you obtain the entity receipt and should return together. Otherwise, we might resist to refund.


F. Interrupt or stop on the network service

If the unusual condition or system is occurred, this website is authorized to suspend service until elimination.

G. Protection of intellectual property rights


  • * K-mart possesses all of the software, program and contents of this website that including but unlimited picture, file, information, material, construction, homepage design and so on. Above the intellectual property rights are belonged to us, have obtained agreement and authorization. Anyone who including member, could be obliged to abandon this right without our agreement and authorization. If he/she has violation, we would immediately abolish the membership and permanently prohibit using this service and request whole loss.
  • * If member or anyone discovery any violation of the intellectual property rights of K-mart, please immediately contact us by the customer service center. (Customer Service no.+886 7 7938888)


H. Applicable law and competent court

Explanation and suitability of this provision, and all of network transaction with using this service that ought to be stipulated by Republic of China Applicable law. If the litigation occurs with this service, we consider the Taiwan Kaohsiung district court for the first trial.